City of Roses

So many nicknames, how could one ever choose? I love the sound of “City of Roses,” but when I talk about beloved Portland, OR, I almost always say “PDX.”

Disney World is Always a Good Idea

As a Florida native, I’ve been crazy lucky to have grown up with Walt Disney World! And since I’m basically just a 5’5″…

Wynwood Miami – 2017 Edition

Wynwood is on the rise. Being a South Florida native, Wynwood has always been a unique, albeit poorer area, plopped in the…

Prose in the Pacific Palisades

In the cold sand you can find yourself. Between your toes & in the crevices of your soul, you can find yourself.…

Shoe Tree

Memories are branches of a tree. Memories have roots. Memories engrained in the soles of your feet that sit suspended, (like Spanish…

Hartwick Pines State Park, Grayling, MI

Hartwick Pines is quiet. You feel the air here. As I walked along the little path, loose pebbles ground beneath my feet…

Pinterest: Inspired by Nature

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