Hi there! And welcome.
I’m Rosie—writer and photographer based in Portland, OR.
I’ve been writing the majority of my life, typically crafting poetry or indie screenplays, but I’ve always felt that you don’t only have to be boxed in as only one version of a writer—that is, an author, or poet, or screenwriter, or lyricist, etc. Rather, you can be one or two or all of those things as writing is a unique form of creativity; and who is to say which mode of creation and imagination best lends itself to a particular story? A thousand years ago, when I was in college, I majored in English, with a focus in Creative Writing—specifically, poetry. But I have found joy in so many different mediums.
After college, I freelanced as a travel and entertainment writer for a handful of online magazines. I also wrote short films and webisodes for small independent productions, (my own included!), while living in Los Angeles. But after two years of living in the desert, I realized how much I just missed green nature and that SoCal just wasn’t for me. The beautiful landscape of the PNW was a huge part of why I chose to move to Portland. The forest feels like home and nature influences my stories and ideas every day.
I am currently working on my first novel and the plan is to bring you along with me, posting updates here and on social media as I go.
In the meantime, here are some random fun(ish) facts about me:
- I have a chocolate labrador retriever who is an absolute menace, but I love her to death. Her name is Bennet after the Bennet family from Pride and Prejudice.
- My favorite Shakespeare plays are Measure for Measure and The Tempest.
- McDonald’s Coke is the elite Coke. You can’t change my mind.
- My favorite genre to read is fantasy romance.
- I’m a big Disney fan. Fave Pixar film is Coco and fave classic animation is Beauty and the Beast. Fave park attractions are the Tiki Room, Soarin’ (Around the World), Haunted Mansion, Pirates, and Indiana Jones.
- Life goals include writing books from a little cottage in the English countryside, but still magically able to get junk food delivered at all hours of the day.
- If I could choose my lightsaber color, it would be blue.
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the forest!