Prose in the Pacific Palisades

In the cold sand you can find yourself. Between your toes & in the crevices of your soul, you can find yourself. Between a palm tree, and an icy sea, and smog-lined mountain peak, and a heatless, setting sun… you can find yourself. Or lose yourself, if you so wish. Take a deep breath. Do you smell the history of the ocean? Swan dive forward and scoop the sand into your hands and each grain will be a memory. Let them slip from your palms, but not from your mind. You may find yourself in the cold sands of the Pacific Palisades in early spring, before life has re-bloomed, as it has for centuries. You may find yourself in the cool earth of the Palisades, or lose yourself, or remember your future, forget your past, sink in with your toes and with your heart… And, like the sand, cool off.

Originally posted on a different page owned by Rosie Darch 10/12/2015.

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